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Root Collar Excavation

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Root Collar Excavation

Serving All of Michigan

Trees growing up in unnatural environments force their root systems into tight, confined spaces which leads to formation of “problem roots” known as girdling roots. Girdling roots can form in nurseries where trees are forced to grow in small containers (binding and tangling of roots, also known as, pot-bound). They can also appear around trees planted near homes, backyard structures, sidewalks, or roads. Poor nursery and planting practises are the two common ways they are introduced into landscapes.

Root collar excavation is a technique used to expose girdling roots that may be suffocating your tree and cutting off vital nutrient uptake, which leads to the demise of your tree. These roots unnaturally, tightly rap themselves around the base of the tree. A tree root collar (AKA tree root flare) is the area where the first division of roots attaches to the trunk of the tree and is the area where girdling roots form.

The process involves directing high-pressure air (using the AirSpace) at the base of the tree to displace local soil in order to inspect the root system. After the girdling roots are identified, they are carefully and selectively pruned, while keeping the tree healthy.


Review the tree to see if any visible roots are wrapped around its base. Another symptom of girdling roots is die-back starting in the top of the tree.


Using an AirSpade, the soil will be blasted to expose the tree’s root system below the surface. The AirSpade only moves the soil, and the tree and its fibrous roots are unaffected.


Using an AirSpade, the soil will be blasted to expose the tree’s root system below the surface. The AirSpade only moves the soil, and the tree and its fibrous roots are unaffected.


The root zone is then covered with composted mulch and voila! – the tree can “breathe” again!

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