Tree Wellness
Insect & Disease Management
Root Zone Invigoration
Root Collar Excavation
Treatment Plans
Serving All of Michigan

A Certified Arborist will propose a custom plan to treat any insect and disease issues after evaluating the trees on your property. When needed, tissue samples will be taken to a local horticulture laboratory to identify the insect or disease.

We will execute the custom treatment plan as discussed, to each affected tree. Multiple visits may be required throughout the year to ensure the best possible outcomes.

Monitor your landscape while you’re enjoying the outdoors. If you would like Care For My Tree Experts to monitor your property throughout the year, consider our Integrated Tree Health Management Program!

Apple Scab

Verticillium Wilt
Photo by Howard F. Schwartz, Colorado State University,

Fire Blight
Photo taken by Sebastian Stabinger
Some other common diseases include:
Antracnos • Botryosphaeria Stem Canker • Cedar-Apple Rust • Cedar-Hawthorn Rust • Dothistroma Needle Blight • Dutch Elm Disease • Phomopsis Tip Blight • Phytophthora Root Rot • Rhizosphaera Needle Cast
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Use the form below to send us an email. We'll get back to you as soon as we can. If it's an emergency, give us a call immediately at (616) 262-7774